Week 12 Reading: Hanuman: The Epitome of Devotion and Courage
Reading Notes-
Hanuman was the son of Pavana, the Wind God. One day he saw the sun rise and thought it was an apple and jumped to get it. As he grew older he only got stronger and complete heroic feats. His brother Sugreeva got banished from the kingdom so him and his brother went to go live in the jungle together. They saw two men in the jungle one day, and his brother said they might be from Vali the kingdom they were banished from. He changed forms to a poor man and went up to them and asked where they were going. They answered that this is Rama his older brother and they are looking for Prince Sugreeva to help find his wife Sita. He felt love and adoration and apologized and said he would help them find Sugreeva. Sugreeva asks them if they will help him kill his brother Vali since he pushed him out of the kingdom and they agreed. Sugreeva brought them the jewels of Sita that they found in the jungle. Sugreeva called out Vali to a duel and he agreed. They were fighting and Rama could not figure out which brother was which so he gave him a garment to wear in the next round. This time his arrow hit the mark. Sugreeva became the king again and gave his brother honorable monkeys to go out and find Sita. They went all way to the ocean and found the Vulture King who told them Sita was a prisoner in Ravana's capital city. Hanuman was the only one who was able to jump across the ocean, so he jumped by himself. He made himself small and scouted the city, he found a beautiful city but it was filled with guards. He did not find her in the palace and went to the adjoining palace and went in a tree. He found her getting bullied by the guards and Ravana for her to become his husband. He asked her to get on his back but she was too scared. He decided to teach Ravana a lesson and started killing soldiers and wrecking havoc in the palace. Ravana got his warrior son Indrajit to go get him and he captured him with his snake arrows by wrapping him up and they took him to the court. They tried putting oil on his tail but it kept growing. Once they took him in to kill him and shrunk down and all the ropes fell off. With his tail on fire he jumped to the top and and started jumping from rooftop to rooftop setting the whole city on fire. He returned home and told everyone what happened. Sugreeva ordered the army to assemble. Ravanas brother showed up asking for shelter because he didn't want to stay there anymore and they did not turn him away. They built a bridge across the ocean for the army. A fight went of day one and a lot of people died even prince laxmana. So Hanuman got the whole mountain and jumped back and healed them all with the tree. They killed Indrajit leaving only Ravana left. Rama shot an arrow and killed Ravana ending the war. They all returned, and Hanuman promised to serve Sita for the rest of his life.
“Hanuman by ANANT PAI - Books on Google Play.” Google, Google, play.google.com/store/books/details?id=s-4sDgAAQBAJ.
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