Week 9 Reading The Mahabharata Videos Epified Part B

 I am back to reading today, and should have my story telling done by later.

The mantra Kunti did for her son made him destined for success. It was kind of weird she went to drop him off in the river, but I guess she can't hold him back anymore. He is the son of the son God. Pandu went and dwelled in the forrest with his family, but then he shot a hermit with his bow and arrow. The hermit cursed Pandu if he slept with a woman he would die. Kunti can summon gods to get children. She called the gods and Yama answers and he will be given a child. He forced himself on the woman and both of them died. The Pandavas was born. The blind wife heard of this so she got rid of her child, then the gods came and cursed her to have 100 sons. The oldest was angry and wanted to kill the other cousins. He invited the Pandas to a retreat. Gave them sleep inducing herbs and planned on pushing one of them into the lake. Poison snakes bit the prince but the king of snakes came and gave him the strength of 1000 elephants. Drone came to teach the boys. Drone realized how talented the boys were.


Epified: Mahabharata, Part B


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