Week 2 Story: The Four Fisherman

PORTFOLIO LINK:https://sites.google.com/view/philipsportfolio4/the-four-fisherman

 The Four Fisherman

There was once a time back in Australia where there were four different men sailing out on the Coral Sea. These men came from very different back grounds; a young skipper trying to make a living, a father trying to feed his kids, an experienced fishing man, and an old wise man. Everyone was out there to fish, but the wise man at this point in his life had earned a living and was fishing simply out of enjoyment and a little extra food at this point.


The clouds became gloomy and the young skipper began to fear a storm. He was sitting out on the end of his boat and he started to think to himself he might be too far out if a storm came. Well, the fishing was slow this day and the young skipper began to doze off. The boat caught a wave and his boat hit a bump and a bucket splashed on this man and he wakes up screaming that a storm is coming and starts running and slips on the water and falls into the ocean. Now, the experienced fisherman saw this and sailed over to him, and the young skipper keeps yelling at him that a bad storm is coming, and they must go back. The experienced fisher calls in to port and port calls back out to the other boats that they must go home. The father being worried about his kids packs up shop and heads back in.


Now the wise man, at this point has seen enough storms. He doesn’t rush to conclusion and sails back close enough to if a storm comes, he can go back in. Well the storm doesn’t come, and the wise man sails back out.


Back at the port, they begin to ask him why he thought a storm was coming. He said he felt a big splash of rain and started freaking out, and the others joined in. At this point, they look back out to the ocean with binoculars and see the old man pulling the biggest fish out of the ocean that they have ever seen.

Author's Note-

This story I did a rendition of the story Jatakas. This story goes along the same theme, that one person leads the rest of the people to freak out. I changed it up from the original but it follows the same storyline just with different characters in a different situation.


The Foolish Timid Rabbit. Jatakas. Ellen C. Babbit. https://sites.google.com/view/jatakas/rabbit?authuser=0 


  1. Hey Phillip, this story was really good! It was similar to mine in that it showed how you should not just accept the status quo and follow others blindly. Instead, it is important to blaze your one trail n make decisions for yourself! I loved reading about the wise old man and how he remained calm under pressure! Very nice story Phillip!

  2. Hi Phillip, I like the way you told this story! You gave me some ideas on how to tell my own stories in a more concise way but still being memorable and wholesome. I like how you ended with the detail that the wise man pulled out "the biggest fish out of the ocean that they had ever seen." Oh, if only those fisherman weren't so paranoid. They missed out on a possible great catch!

  3. Hi Philip! I actually read your portfolio on this story, so I was interested to see your original rendition of the story and how it changed. I kind of missed the wave sounds as they worked so well for the portfolio so maybe you could even add them here! The story was quote enjoyable to read, and I appreciate the basic plot even more after reading a more detailed version on your portfolio. Great work!

  4. Hello Philip,
    I haven't read the original story that you derived yours from, but I will definitely check it out later. I really enjoyed reading your story, and I found it interesting the way you used the characters and setting to follow the plot and ultimately tell the moral of the story. I think you did a great job avoiding any plot holes and I think the story flowed really smoothly!


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