Week 2 Reading Overview

 Reading Overview

    The Ramayana that I have decided to read is the one by R. K. Narayan. I decided this one because I think I would prefer to read it because it is by one author and it said that it reads like a novel. I think this one will be easier to keep up with than switching between different authors and styles the entire way through. I might become a little confused with the other one so I decided this is the best fit for me.

    The first comic book that caught my attention was Vali: The Downfall of an Arrogant King. I like the story of this because it seems like a story I have read before, and kind of similar to other biblical stories as well. It talks about a cave on an island and it reminded of the mythical story The Odyssey. This is definitely a comic I am interested in reading. The second comic that I am interested in is Andhaka: The Dark Lord Who Saw Light. I could not seem to find the summary to this one but the title alone got me interested. This one was under the hero section so I think these would be the stories I like the most, because I can get behind one main protagonist. 

    For the videos, it is a little harder to understand what there without watching, but I tried to do my best from the titles. The first one I am interested in is The Source: Who Created the Universe, this one seems like a very interesting thing to get into from a completely different world view than my own. I am curious to see who they credit to the creation of this world, and how mythical there answer to that question is. The second video I am interested in is Avengers, Gods, and Superheroes. I am totally interested in the superhero idea and it would be super cool to learn about a whole set of them. Maybe I can even do my own version of the avengers for my story book!

    The image I selected is called the "Dance of the Shiva". I selected this image because it is probably the one name that is familiar to me. A show I used to watch called "The League" is about a group of friends in a fantasy football league, but the name of their championship trophy was called the "Shiva". I am currently lacking in my Indian epics back knowledge if you can't already tell, but I am excited to learn.


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