-Hanuman Leaping Across the Ocean from KathaKids- The Life of a God Hanuman jumped for the apple in the sky. Now he was on this Earth as a monkey, but served as Rama's devotee. Jumping across oceans, and fighting Ramayana. His job was almost done, but what would he do now. Everyone thought about the mighty Rama, but what about his mighty servant. He begged Rama not to give him immortality, but he insisted anyways and now Hanuman would live forever. As the days went on he grew tired of his life, but he must serve and protect till the end. However, for Hanuman he lived through the end of the world. Hanuman's Curse (6 word story) He who jumped, will not Die Bibliography- “Hanuman by ANANT PAI - Books on Google Play.” Google , Google, play.google.com/store/books/details?i...